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      3. product

        • Cefixime Tablets
        • Jinying Capsule
        • Yuanqi Boneal Tincture
        • Cihang Capsule
        • Xuesaitong Dispersible Tablets

        position:home >> list_news

        R&D Planning

        Activated by the science and technology innovation, Fangsheng Pharma contributes to the common development and common prosperity of chemical medicine, TCM and biological medicine.In the future, we will pay attention to developing and purchasing drugs with independent intellectual property and adaptation to complicated diseases concerning tumors, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, gynecology, pediatrics, orthopedics, digestive system, anti-infection and so on. These projects will build the core technology and innovation, which achieves high-speed development for Fangsheng Pharma.

        Contact From

        Fangsheng Company

        No.789,Lusong Road

        Yuelu District,Changsha,China

        Business Consultation:+86-0731-88997188

        Complaints Hotline:+86-0731-88908622


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          3. 中文字幕偷乱视频在线,中文字幕乱在线伦视频,中文字幕乱码高清完整版

